Top Shot “Skeet Shooting” Competition: 12/22/24

Top Shot “Skeet Shooting” Competition: 12/22/24

December 22nd, from 10am-3pm, join us for our “Skeet Shooting” Competition! This competition will be designed around high ROF guns AND accuracy while shooting at moving targets! It will test your target acquisition, adaptability, weapon manipulation, and handling skills! 1st Place gets a FREE $100 Gift Certificate to GoAirheads! The first try is free for… Continue Reading

Reindeer Games Tickets: 12/27/2024

Reindeer Games Tickets: 12/27/2024

As Christmas is soon approaching, don’t forget to come out to GoAirhead’s Reindeer Games special event! This will be on Friday, December 27th from 10am – 5pm. Purchase your tickets HERE During the Reindeer games, we will be playing UNIQUE Christmas-themed Airsoft games. These will be both BRAND NEW games, never before played at GoAirheads,… Continue Reading

Black Friday Sale! 11/29/24

Black Friday Sale! 11/29/24

On Black Friday 11/29 from 10am – 5pm receive 15% in-store credit with the purchase of ANY gun at the normal retail value. This credit is usable for anything at GoAirheads BESIDES guns. Ie: Magazines, Batteries, Vests, BB’s, Entrances, etc. This can be used immediately or taken home as a gift certificate. For example: If… Continue Reading

1st Field SOFT Opening! 11/09/24

1st Field SOFT Opening! 11/09/24

On Saturday, November 9th, we will be Reopening our 1st field for airsoft play! This will be a SOFT opening as we are still waiting for certain Weld County approvals for certain structures etc. In the meantime, come and see some of the changes we have been able to make to this field!    … Continue Reading