Yesterday (4/1/14) we had our FINAL hearing for the county. The hearing lasted a little over two hours in which the Council finally came to a unanimous vote… To APPROVE GoAirheads! The council saw everyone that had shown up (more than 30 people!) and heard everything that you had to say and finally ended by ruling in our favor! They did make some stipulations that we will have to abide by, but none of these will stop GoAirheads from being fully operational! We just wanted to say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who came out and wrote letters. We REALLY couldn’t have done this without you. In order to celebrate, this Saturday (4/4/15) we will be doing a TON of raffles throughout the day to all players there on Saturday. Show up for your chance to win a cool airsoft prize! Once again, thank you so much for supporting us through this process and we hope to continue to be your #1 source for airsoft for many more months and years! Thank you.

yay I can’t wait to get back out there!