Public Hearing Update - GoAirheads
Public Hearing Update

Public Hearing Update

Update on Weld County Meeting:

It was held in Greeley 3/17/15. There were 23 people who were there in support of GoAirheads!! It was amazing. The Commissioners commented several times about the show of support for a meeting like this. Most of the 23 had a chance to speak. We had several come from other fields to show their support. So we thank all of you who were able to come and those who sent letters on my email that morning. I handed them to the Commissioners. They were impressed.
Good news was they agreed to pass it to the next step for final resolution. Now it goes to the final meeting April 1st. This is the meeting they will make the final decision if we stay open or close. So…..

This is a “CALL TO ARMS” !! Definition: a summons, invitation, or appeal to undertake a particular course of action.
To all our GoAirheads brothers and sisters out there in the airsoft community, this is a shout out to you parents who bring your kids to our venue, this is a shout out to those of you who are over 18 and drive to GoAirheads, this is to our vendors, food and advertisers, and you who love the airsoft sport, please come to show your support. They need to hear or see you who know us and you who love and support us. YES, YOU!!! We need to pack the house. I mean really PACK the house. A packed house would be about 40-50 people. Please mark your calendars, April 1st 1150 O St. Greeley, Co. 80631 10a.m. And to those I made do push ups I’m sorry! Just kidding, I’m not sorry. LOL. We can do this! Carpool to get there. We need your support so please come out. Thank you.


Dianna Lopez-Trevathan

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